
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi there!

My name is Lilli Seale and I am 18 years old living in Washington State. I’m a senior in high school, however I took part in our Running Start program provided through the school, so I am actually also currently finishing up a 2-year Associates degree through our local community college here. 

I was born and raised in the beautiful PNW and have grown up in a Christian home, and more recently at the beginning of high school, I began to dig deeper into my own faith. Throughout high school I became very involved in our church as a student leader, and I have had some incredible experiences and learning opportunities that I will always feel blessed to have been a part of. 

A little bit more of a background on me, I grew up in two homes, and one of which had a blended family, giving me 3 amazing step-siblings along with my step-mom and father. Then in the other home was just my mother, my brother, and myself. I was blessed with so many loving and supportive people all around me my entire life, I will forever be grateful to the Lord for giving me such an amazing family. Also, I grew up surrounded in sports. I have played softball since I was 4 years old, and have competed at several different levels on many amazing teams. As well, I played volleyball for my school 7-12th grade, I wasn’t much help talent-wise but they absolutely appreciated my enthusiasm!!! It wasn’t just me, all of my siblings and friends were involved in sports, clubs, and different activities so we definitely all kept busy throughout our childhood. 

Now, this isn’t a resume but I just wanted to give y’all a little look-back at my background and how I grew up as I’m sure many will relate to my stories. I look forward to sharing my journey of preparing for my missions trip not only in this blog, but in the connections I create while I begin my mission long before I ever take off!

Thanks for reading, 

Lilli Seale <3