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Thoughts & Inspiration

Heyyy guys! 

Hope everyone is doing good, I miss y’all a lot. So as I’ve been on the race, as I’m sure most of you guys could guess, it’s been a really great opportunity to grow in my faith and relationship with the Lord, but it has also been a great chance for me to learn how to get into the Word in different/more impactful ways. 

Personally, I’m not much of a note taker or a multi-tasker so for the most part when I read, I just like to read through it straight and try to get through as much scripture as I can. But as I’ve gone through the race, I’ve learned of different ways to talk on scripture that leaves a more impactful aftertaste. 

  1. Using 2 Timothy 3:16 “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”

How cool! Scripture literally teaches how to read scripture! Our team uses this while studying the book of Ephesians. Our leader, Gracie, put together some questions that I currently use to study scripture. 1. What does this passage teach me about God and His character? 2. What is God rebuking in this? 3. What in my life is not aligning with this scripture? 4. How can I apply this to my life? I really like this structure because it really encourages me to read through scripture several times and read beyond what I think it’s saying. 

  1. S.O.A.P Method

It’s a pretty basic method that I learned awhile back but its really intentional at breaking down verses. S= Scripture O=Observation A=Application P=Prayer. So for S you would write in a journal what the scripture was and maybe even underlining parts that stuck out to you. For O you would describe what you think the verses are saying and just more specifically what is happening in the text. For A you would write down what ways you can apply the scripture to yourself and to your life. And O just praying over the scripture that it will impact you and that the Lord may speak to you through it, and that it may not return void. I’ve used this method often and found it really helpful. 

  1. Scripture mapping

This is a more in-depth study of scripture that I am intending on applying more to when I study the Word. Scripture mapping looks more like looking deeper into what the Bible means, because while the bible was written for us, it wasn’t directly written to us. This can look like studying smaller portions of a book, like a chapter or just a small section and researching cultural and historical context; translating some words back to the Hebrew or greek meanings; looking for who it was written to; who is it written by; what time it was written; why was it written; what is the subject of the text; where did the people live who received this message? 

There are many ways to study scripture, google does a pretty good job at directing towards some more blogs that are more in-depth and answer more questions, but I just thought I’d share some methods that I’ve learned, because I used to not really study scripture well since I didn’t even know where to start. Sooo I hope y’all have enjoyed this little blog, I love you guys 🙂

Have a great day!


Lilli <3