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Hellooo everyone!

Hope everyone is doing well! I’m doing good, too:) 

Well, we arrived on base Sunday afternoon, and now it’s currently Friday night- if I remember right ??. And it’s been incredible to say the least. Being completely transparent, the first few days were a bit rough, honestly, just a lot of adjustments and having to find a rhythm. But on that note… rhythm… not a thing haha. Our schedules are changing to the point where most of us don’t really know what our day will look like until we’re told to go from one building or meeting spot til the next. Although, I’m learning to love it. Definitely learning to press into the Lord in time of uncomfort. Something I was told growing up, “Find a way to be comfortable while being uncomfortable”, and I’ve found that the Lord is my comfort. I can hold to His promises and goodness even when I’m uncertain when my next shower will be. It says in Matthew 6:25, 

“Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?

This. Verse. Hits. A theme for this week has absolutely been abandonment and confronting the parts of my life I was “hiding” from God. Truthfully, I was never intentionally hiding anything from Him (because- duh- He knows all) but I never brought my struggles to Him and laid them down at His feet in ways I am now. And it’s quite the conviction. Anyway, back to the abandonment- I have some pictures to paint for y’all. 

Porta potties. 12. Over 150 people. Yikes!! Though, I have to admit, they are indeed growing on me. They get cleaned out every other or every third day and it’s not awful. And it’s kinda nice not having to flush every time, it saves a lot of water.

Speaking of water… Showers… We like to call them bucket showers :). So, it’s a 5 gallon bucket of hose water we get to take into our cute little shack and clean up! Haha, the first time we did it, it was like so late at night, and my whole little team decided to do it together- in our respective stalls, of course- and THAT was a bonding moment. Again, it’s growing on me. I absolutely love it for its conviction that confronts me with how blessed I was to have HOTRUNNINGCLEAN water to use for a shower anytime I desired. Any time. Any day. Any amount. The Lord definitely blessed me then with abundance, however, I still feel blessed for even being able to shower. I mean it could always be worse, right? And it’s preparing me for the field, this is similar to what it could be like in any or all of the countries. So, I’m chilling. 

And for my favorite part about training so far, my community here. We have a squad of 22 racers, which is small comparatively, and we have 27 people in total counting leaders. And WOW. I could not be more stunned by the beauty of these peoples hearts. I am honored that the Lord gave me these people to have as sisters and brothers for the next 9 months. Honestly, they just have such beautiful faiths, and I am able to learn so much from each and every person on this squad daily. And our leaders? Incredible people to look up to. The ladies walk with such grace, knowledge, wisdom, and faith that I just know they are incredible blessings in my life now. Also, of course the dudes, the CHARACTER of these guys!!! hahaha they are SO FUNNY!! But their desire for the Lord is just so obvious and they immediately felt like big brothers in my heart. They definitely reminded me of my brothers at home, and it just makes me love them even more. 

To conclude, this week the Lord has been teaching me vulnerability and disciplining. I am understanding some of the strategies I can take to hold myself accountable for growing my faith and accepting the love and grace that the Lord is offering me, and not running away. I could go on for hours, however, I would like this blog to be readable and not an essay. OH but speaking go essay, I have just downloaded my books for Athens tonight, and I’m actually excited to read for the first time ever. 

Anyway, I love you all so much and really am missing y’all.

Love, Lilli <3

ps. Georgia can be gorgeous when it’s not flooding my tent πŸ˜‰

6 responses to “Just getting starteddd”

  1. It’s great to hear from you, Lilli and all that our loving Heavenly Father is teaching you already. May you remain healthy and strong in every way as you journey through these coming days and months

  2. What a great update! Love that you are surrounded by so many amazing others like you for this journey. You are where you’re supposed to be. So proud of you! ??

  3. What an amazing week! It’s wonderful to hear your heart and what God is doing! Blessings

  4. Miss you lilli!! But Soo excited for you. It sounds like things are doing good. Sounds exactly what needed to happen for the start of your journey. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable. And not knowing what to expect. I think that’s fantastic. Then you have absolutely no reason to try and control things and just live in every moment. Love you cuz. ??